Song Spell #35 Death - Keep on knocking

 Keep on knocking

Level: Intermediate

Appearance: The caster will conjure a wooden club covered in gnarls and coated in bark burls. The caster also gains brightly dyed leather gloves to carry it with. The club makes a deep vibrating noise when it makes contact with anything, along with an echoing clack of the wood. 

Effect: The spell makes an indestructible club that the caster can do with what they see fit. The club has abnormally high bludgeoning damage and hits supernaturally hard. The club grants +2 to all uses of it in combat, and regardless of the caster's strength, the club may be wielded and swung with relative ease. This weapon exists only to club, bash, maul, crush, and knock, so simply holding it with nothing to do with it will cause it to vanish. This need to crush is driven by the person wielding the club, meaning that they must choose what they want to destroy to keep the club in their possession. If the club disappears it will not be recast until 2 cycles have passed, or there is something too good to not be knocked. 

Duration: Lasts as long as there are things to be knocked around on in the immediate vicinity. 

Range: Melee range, appears in the caster’s hands. 

Type: Evocation

This is an excellent punk song. I’m glad DEATH got the recognition they deserve eventually. 


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