Song Spell #40 Flying Lotus - Mages Sages

 Mages Sages

Level: Intermediate

Appearance: The caster will conjure a strange spectral magic user from the past. 

Effect: Mages sages allows you to use duplicate spirits of magical teachers who have passed on. The Mage sages will aid you with any simple request, such as opening a magically locked door or repairing something broken. This can vary in degree of difficulty, but the requests cannot be complicated or take several sentences to state to the Mage sage. If you choose to conjure a mage sage, you dont have to request something physical of them, you could also ask them for questions and advice. They always seem receptive to such things.

Duration: A mage sage will exist as long as it takes to do the task set for them.

Range: Mage sage must be summoned facing the caster, and close to them by about 3 feet.

Type: Evocation

This is a great song, and another recommended to me. Very passive and pleasant listen. Flying lotus is a master beatmaker.


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